Exciting news: We are hiring for Sedona, VV area, Page, Kingman & Prescott!!!
Hiring: Inspectors (Master Certified Only), Radon Testers (ARP ONLY), EPA Lead/Asbestos Testers, Certified Mold Testers
Office manager/Business manager (Contact Bill Branch: 928.856.0THREE27)
Congratulations! You have found your dream home!
We are excited for you and 121 PRO knows you expect the best!
Home Inspections ♦ Mold Inspections ♦ Engineering Certifications ♦ EPA LEAD/Asbestos Inspections
In the state of Arizona 121 PRO is well-known for going above and beyond for home buyers.
In fact, 121 PRO is the only property inspection company that can provide public verification (linked in the titles) for all of the following:
Certified Master Inspector (CMI):
- Only 3 in northern Arizona (BTW: there are great nAZ inspectors who can be CMI but have not applied)
- Northern Arizona is home to the best home inspectors in the state! If we cannot accommodate your schedule we will recommend several inspectors
- Of the 3 CMIs, 121 PRO consistently maintains excellence (link to compare): Over 900 hours of continuing education
Certified Mold Inspections & Testing:
- Northern Arizona's only *properly* certified mold home inspector (Mold inspections are not regulated; education and certification are voluntary)
- Extensive & in-depth certified training takes weeks to complete (not a couple of hours), which is why 121 PRO, ACAC and NAMRI do not recognize IAC2 Mold Certification
HUD, FHA, VA Engineering Certifications
- 121 PRO partners with 2 engineering firms for HUD, FHA, VA engineering certifications
Recognized Radon Public Speaker & Researcher:
- Arizona's only recognized radon presenter
Advanced Radon Professional (ARP):
- Arizona's only home inspector that has earned the ARP designation
Radon Mitigation System Inspector:
- Arizona's only certified professional to inspect radon mitigations systems
EPA Approved Lead Paint Inspections & Testing:
- Arizona's only home inspector certified to perform EPA lead inspections & testing
EPA/AHERA Accredited Asbestos Inspector & Testing:
- Northern Arizon's only home inspector that has met the EPA inspection & testing requirements
#1 in AZ for continuing education (CE):
Over 900 continuing education credits (CE is voluntary in Arizona)
121 PRO is the only Certified Master Inspector who can prove they are informed, involved and invested in industry trends
121 PRO is here to help make dreams comes true...because that is the end goal when buying a new home! Therefore, we are offering the following 121 PRO stimulus packages: 1) *1 free home inspection a month to those who truly feel they can use the help. 2) We are also providing a 90-day inspection fee payment window for those who need it. To qualify for the free inspection the agent and their broker need to contact 121 PRO to advocate for the free service. These stimulus packages will continue until the further notice.
Northern Arizona Scheduling: 2 inspections a day; 7 days a week

Thermal Infrared Scans
Thermal scans are the deep dive of home inspections. An indispensable tool for locating hidden moisture/mold. A quality thermal infrared scanners can identify overloaded electrical circuits, leaks in in-floor hydronic heating, plumbing leaks, roof & window leaks. Verify heat tapes are operating as expected.

HUD, FHA & VA Engineering Certifications
Depending on the type of loan, a manufactured home may require an Engineering Certification
- 121 PRO partners with 2 engineering firms for quick responses
- 121 PRO comprehensive point-by-point survey (40+ pictures)
- Verify floor levels (1/16 inch accuracy)
- Work directly with loan officers & real estate professionals only
- Usually 24 hour turn-around
Learn More
RADON: It is a well-known health risk
Radon is the #1 cause of lung cancer for non-smokers
- 100% duplicate testing for undeniable results
- AZ's only Advanced Radon Professional (ARP) home inspector
- Arizona's only certified radon mitigation system inspector
- Arizona's largest radon testing device inventory
- Radon testing 'expert witness' & AZ's radon tie-breaker
- Radon Researcher & National Contributor
Verify radon certification HERE

EPA Lead Paint/Asbestos Inspections & Testing
Certified Mold Inspector
Certified & accredited by the EPA & AHERA
- Lead paint inspections & testing (Surface & Air samples)
- Asbestos Inspections & testing (Materials & Air samples)
- Advanced mold inspections (Surface, Air & Interior Cavities)
Learn More
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
IAQ refers to the air quality as it relates to the health of occupants. Common pollutants include organic growth, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde, VOCs and small particulate matter (PM <2.5 micrometer). Maintaining good IAQ involves minimizing these pollutants through proper ventilation, use of non-toxic building materials & products, and regular monitoring of indoor air.
Doing what it takes! 😉
Bridging the gap
121 PRO takes a realistic and friendly approach to inspections. We know that an inspection and the result of the inspection can be very exciting or an opportunity for further discussions. Either way 121 PRO provides professionalism on a human level that is clear, clean, crisp and to the point.
We believe that an inspection is more than a report based on Arizona Standards of Practice for property inspectors. It is the trust and friendly connection we establish with all parties. We listen first.

Next Steps...
Your real estate agent is your tour guide for success! So, follow their lead. Meanwhile, start planning your inspection. Flagstaff has great inspectors: if 121 PRO's schedule is unable to accommodate you we will refer you to inspectors we trust. Start here to get an estimate for an inspection.
Contact Us...today
This is an exciting time for you! Give us a call (928 Flagstaff Area Code) 856-0three27 or send a quick message:

The Value of an Inspector
An inspector is a gateway to understanding your new home better without breaking the bank.
The value of home inspectors cannot be understated for the obvious reasons but let’s chat about the not so obvious: Your time, your money and peace of mind.
Consider the following:
- A structural engineer is not trained & certified to visually identify any issues with electricity, HVAC, plumbing, ect.
- An electrician is not trained & certified to visually identify any issues with structural issues or plumbing, ect.
- A plumber is not trained & certified to visually identify electrical issues, structural issues or construction issues …you get the point, right.
These professionals (and more), pictured here, prepare for several years to be very good at what they do, they are subject matter experts and installers within their unique profession. To be trained and certified in all the professional areas pertaining to a home or building would amount to well over 15+ years.
A certified inspector is not the same as any certified professional who installs, upgrades, replaces or makes repairs.
With that in mind: Inspectors are trained & certified to do visual inspections in all areas pertaining to a home, apartment, building: Electrical, HVAC, Structural, Plumbing, Roofing, Construction, and more.
Again: An inspector is a gateway to understanding your new home better without breaking the bank.

Standard & advance level certifications earned through home inspector training from InterNACHI