Mold testing:
We are northern Arizona’s only home inspection company properly certified to perform mold inspections.
Lead & Asbestos testing:
We are Arizona's only home inspection company certified by the EPA/AHERA & AZDEQ to perform lead-based paint and asbestos inspections & sampling.
Experiencing health concerns?
1) Immediately schedule an appointment with your health care provider 2) After scheduling the appointment: explore the following resources to "identify possible conditions and treatment related to the symptoms" WebMD (interactive) and Mayo Clinic
Mold testing notes:
The two best basic resources for mold information are 1) MoldPedia & 2) the EPA mold page.
Some common facts & Q/A regarding mold:
1) Q: I smell a musty odor in my house or office space, I do not see any mold; do I have mold? A: The human nose is great at detecting organic growth. The musty odor is likely from the chemicals that are produced from the organic growth which are called mycotoxins or MVOCs. The odor (mycotoxins) will diffuse throughout the impacted area more than the spores of organic growth. In this case air sampling is wise but the air sample results might not have indications of organic growth; the certified labs will only identify the components of fungi (mold) in the sample such as spores.
2) Q: I smell a musty odor and the air sample was negative; what next? A: Inspect the home for moisture related issues: 1) Plumbing leaks, 2) Roof leaks 3) Window/door leaks and/or 4) Ground/surface water penetration. This can be accomplished with infrared thermal scanning & moisture meter verification. Testing for moisture in difficult & inaccessible areas can be more complicated that a run-of-the-mill home inspection. 121 PRO has the right tools! Where there is moisture there is a higher risk of organic growth development.
3) Q: How do you take samples behind walls? A: 121 PRO has the tools to measure wall cavity moisture (FLIR PRODUCTS: MR277, MR12, MR07), and we also have the tools & methods to view & sample interior wall/ceiling cavity air & surfaces.
4) Q: I clearly see organic growth; do I need to perform a surface and/or sample test? A: No, but it is highly recommended. A sample test will identify the if the organic growth is toxic and it may dictate the level of rigor for mitigation.
5) Q: The restoration company performed the work and then they retested the impacted areas, should I trust the post mitigation results? A: Post-testing the impacted areas by a company unrelated to the mitigation is the ideal. 121 PRO cannot speak for mitigation company's post-test results, but we hope they are accurate; we realize there is a conflict of interest if mitigators test their own work.